Monday, 2 July 2007


"...and the livin' is easy"

It rained. We drove to Lancaster, Fear fed us, we duffed about on Sunday morning, met up with Craig who I've not seen for ages, dithered about deciding what to paddle, then went to Wennington Weir for a play.

See, it was definitely sunny when we got on, hence the optimistic shorty usage.
(Yes, I was just jealous that I'd forgotten mine...)

Craig on the wave

Bethan either coming off the wave or completing a spin. She doesn't look happy about it though...

Matt caning it to get back on the wave

Spinning a Mamba; tricky at times, but totally worth it

"Check out my shiny helmet"

Craig looking cool

Matt with the big guns out

"Spin you b******"

(Team Sidewinder...)

After we got off, we retired for tea and medals, then retired further to the warm, welcoming embrace of the White Cross for more tea and more medals.

Happy days.

Also, say what you like about the current Labour government*, but you cannot deny that smoke-free pubs are an absolute triumph.

(*who have, in my opinion done a generally good job)

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