Saturday July 21st is, according to my diary at least, Belgian Independence Day. In celebration of this, I took two days off work and we went walking in the Lake District.
This turned out to be quite remarkable for two main reasons. Firstly, I actually managed to get a Saturday off work, and secondly, our much abused natural world chose this weekend to unleash rainy fury on the Midlands.
Fortunately the closest we got to it was watching it on the news, drinking wine, while the sun set over the Lakes...

That brief interlude of tv aside, we spent the rest of the time walking and chilling. It was great.
It was windy...
It was cloudy...
It rained a bit...
Bethan bought some new waterproofs, so I bravely offered to test them by throwing her into the bracken...
I can('t) see my house from here...
One of us can't stand up straight...
In the process of making a walk into a scramble, which turned out to be quite off-putting for the group behind us, who then seemed to stop and spend a long time looking at maps :-)
Spot the person...An awesome weekend. Makes going back to work a drag, but you're never more than a few days away from a day off.